Friday, July 18, 2008

Not quite a Disney movie...

So Tom and I have been sleeping pretty well here in Paris. The weather has been great. I've been told that apparently the weather has been unusually cool, which is such a blessing because nothing has AC here. I can only imagine how hot things can be.

Anyway, we've been sleeping with our windows open for airflow. However, this has changed somewhat over the past week.

One morning I half-awoke to what I thought was Tom flailing around in his bed (Why would I think this? It doesn't make sense. However, I was half-asleep). It was an odd noise that say perhaps quickly flapping sheets would make. Tom was a little more alert and said, "A bird is in our room, behind the curtain." I leaned up from my bed to look and saw the bird sitting on the window sill next to the open window. I startled the bird and it took off, but I wondered... Had the bird really gotten into our room or was he just hanging out on the windowsill? If he was in our room, how long had he been here? Had he gotten lost? Was he trying to eat Tom's bread? These are important questions and I pondered them as I fell asleep again for a few minutes.

We laughed about how that little bird had found his way into our room. Crazy that we'd been here for about 2 weeks and that was the first time anything like that happened. Such an odd coincidence.

The next morning I woke to hear a strange flapping noise and saw that in the middle of the floor of our room was another little bird. I woke Tom up saying, "Umm, yeah that was definitely a bird we heard yesterday." I started to get out of bed to shoo the bird out. He flew directly into the window glass, and regathered himself and took off through the window opening.

We started sleeping with our windows more closed than they had previously been.

We told a friend about what happened. She laughed and thought we were nuts. She wanted chocolate (more to come on that story) so we invited her to come eat some of Tom's cookies. We had been gone all day so we opened the windows and let in some fresh air.

Tom was showing her pictures of his family when suddenly, a pigeon the size of a mallard noisily flew through the window. I shouted, "It looks like a duck!" and watched it flap around the ceiling for a while before it took off back through the same way it came in.

Nuts. I don't know what's going to come from this, but I can tell you that if Paris become the next Bodega Bay, you heard it here first.

I came back from class today and opened the window, went into the kitchen to get a banana and when I got back in the room, a little bird was staring at me on the window. I don't think he had come to sing on my shoulder or help with the housework or whistle a cheery tune.

Kind of crazy here in Paris.



Anonymous said...

Sounds like a new Shyamalan movie to me.. didn't the Happening end in France....? I still have a mouse, a loose one, who scared the crap out of me when I came home last night to find him sitting on my counter. Nice to know the neighbors don't care when they hear a girl scream. Hey, you're gonna miss the fair with us, bummer, but last Monday was fun night since we had such few people, and may cancel this one since again, everyone is gone, so you won't be too far behind when you get back.

Anonymous said...

I've read this 3 times now. "It looks like a duck!" cracks me up everytime. Just be glad you don't have Canadian geese in Paris.


Anonymous said...

I hope that there are no Canadian Geese coming to Paris soon. Now that WOULD be a nightmare!
